Why Shia terrorists like Iran, Hezbollah or Al Houthi supports Sunni terrorists like Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood?
Israel has captured hundreds of Hamas members and members of other groups. It's not just Hamas; they are capturing them in ways that are quite degrading. The images coming out are really striking—men in their underwear surrendering their arms.
I don't blame the Israelis for treating them any way they wish. After all, considering what was done to their families, I don't care about what international law says. These are a bunch of criminals; who cares how you treat them or what people say? They are capturing them, and we've seen tons of images showing this humiliating scene.
Imagine why in the world they would do that to themselves. What exactly did they accomplish? Just a month ago, they were proud of themselves, having clashes and controlling their territory. They thought they were in control of the world with money coming from Qatar, the European Union, and the United Nations. Teddy bears, free food, milk, honey, bread—everything was free for them in this territory. They never paid for anything.
Hospitals like the European Hospital, Indonesian Hospital, and Australian Hospital—all funded by donations from around the world. Here in America, we wouldn't have health insurance, yet our government takes our taxes, and we still don't have coverage. Those in Gaza don't pay for anything; they've had free education, schools, and volunteer teachers and doctors from around the world for the last 70 years. And now they attack—this is what they've accomplished.
Look at this guy with a clash. They come with their weapons one by one, and they have to surrender in just their underwear. The Israeli soldier is speaking to him in Arabic saying, "Slowly put your gun there. You're fine, nobody will shoot you." He puts his gun down and goes back in his underwear.
Yeah, go. Okay, so now you know. A few weeks ago, they were shouting "Allah Akbar" and were so proud with masks on their faces, boasting they were the most powerful with trucks full of rockets. Look at what you've done now? Israel left you alone; you said this is your land, okay, here it is. You wanted a government, you have it. You wanted borders; they are not closed; they have borders with Egypt. When the attack happened, there were more than 2000 foreigners, over a thousand of them American. Imagine that.
How do people get in and out? Not through Israel. They gave you what you wanted—independence, your government, police, an army, even rockets. For 20 years, they left you alone. And now look at you. What exactly was the purpose of this attack? Did they really think they could destroy Israel? Don't you know the response would be severe? The more you kill, the more Israel will retaliate. All those clothes and masks don't make you a hero; they don't make you a man. Look at you before October 7th, look at you after.
Which one do you prefer? Before you were heroes with guns. The problem with the Middle East, especially Arabs, is when you give someone power, they think they control the whole earth. Thank God they don't have nukes; they would use them immediately.
But we know we cannot blame them entirely. This is the fruit of Muhammad's teachings; he told them to kill Jews, and when Jews retaliate, they cry and ask for a ceasefire, even going to their supposed enemies, the "gay and lesbian" community, for support. Aren't you ashamed of going to those you consider enemies of Allah to stop the fire?
Anyway, I'm glad they are enjoying the weather. I hope the Israelis give them nice pajamas, and they go to jail where they'll eat hummus and falafel, watch TV, and maybe even see Mickey Mouse. We'll visit them there. Sometimes you ask yourself, "What is all this for? What did you accomplish?"
From the beginning until now, most countries did not consider Hamas a terrorist organization, but after this, not only have they lost ground, their reputation is now in the gutter, literally. Many countries, except some Muslim ones, now consider them terrorists. What did you do?
But today our topic isn't just about Hamas and their underwear. May Allah... well, I don't know, maybe they should sing "I'm sexy and I know it." Look at the Israeli soldier; his Arabic is broken, not like Zak's or that other guy who used to fix marriages. This soldier's Arabic is a million times better.
"Come here, come here," he says, guiding them like children. All of those, I wish we had the full movie from the beginning of how they lined up... For honour"
All right, yeah, it's a scene, you know. I mean, I'd prefer to see the women of Hamas with their masks off, like those who took hostages. They deserve to be seen. Oh boy, what I would do with those...
Now let's shift to our topic about Iran. Lately, we've heard those terrorists from the Houthis, sponsored by Iran, keep attacking Israel. Let's zoom out on the map. I hope the image is clear for you.
Here in the Red Sea area, it's very sensitive because the sea is almost touching, making it very easy to disrupt shipping with just a rocket launcher. The Houthis, a Shia militant group, are located here, targeting any ship trying to pass.
We saw in the news how they used helicopters to capture ships they claim belong to Israel, though it's unclear if it's true. Two days ago, they did it again, but this time the ship called for help, and U.S. Marines intervened. The Marines don't play games; they not only killed many but captured others.
However, with American forces so close now, maybe they won't be able to capture ships as easily. Today, French forces destroyed two drones targeting a ship. These troublemakers are doing this because we will discuss why the Houthis and Hezbollah are involved.
We know these guys are far from doing any real harm, but now the international community is against them. Israel has warned if nobody does something, they will. They might destroy all their planes and weapon depots. I hope they do.
The reason isn't just because they're Muslim defending other Muslims. Hezbollah in Lebanon and Houthis in Yemen are important because they're on Israel's borders where they can do more harm. If you're in Lebanon, you can see an Israeli walking on the street from the other side; you could just shoot someone walking.
But the question is, why are Hezbollah and Houthis so desperate to divert Israel's military from Gaza? Is it to help Hamas because they are Muslims? Absolutely not. Hezbollah has killed many Palestinians in Lebanon, tens of thousands, not an exaggeration.
So, what's this love affair between Hezbollah and Hamas? If their target was genocide against Sunni Muslims, why the support for Hamas in Gaza but not in Lebanon? It doesn't make sense.
The truth is, Hezbollah and Houthis are just dogs working for Iran. All their money, weapons, training—everything comes from Iran. The existence of Hamas is vital for Iran. If Israel goes to war with Hezbollah or Iran, Hamas can shoot rockets from within Israel, forcing Israel to split its attention.
This is why many Israeli farmers can't even farm their lands anymore; they're too close to the borders. Just last week, Hezbollah shot an RPG or rocket at an Israeli farmer, killing him. He was just working his land. Because these lands are exposed to both Lebanon and Gaza, they're becoming wasteland until Israel cleans the area of terrorists.
Hezbollah is trying its best to force Israel to stop attacking Hamas, but so far, they've failed. Maybe Hamas can survive this war, and then one day, when Israel inevitably attacks Iran, Hamas will be a great help to Hezbollah, ensuring Israel's forces can't concentrate on one front.
Hezbollah doesn't really care for Gaza; they killed many Palestinians during the siege of Palestinian camps in Lebanon. It lasted nearly two years where they didn't allow a single can of food into the camps, leading to such desperation that there were rumours of cannibalism. How can those be the same people who now want to defend Gazans?
It doesn't make sense if they truly love the Palestinians. Either they love them everywhere or they're using them.
Don't care for Hamas; Hezbollah knows that sooner or later; Israel will have no choice but to attack Iran because Iran makes it clear their nuclear ambitions are aimed at Israel. Every morning, they chant, "Death to America, Death to Israel." Israel cannot afford to let Iran have a nuke, especially if it could be transported to Lebanon, causing potential mass destruction.
The attack on Iran by Israel is inevitable, and Iran needs all these "puppies" to exist so they can cause chaos when needed. Imagine if Israel decides to attack Iran now; it might seem far, but not really.
We've heard Israel was supporting Azerbaijan against Armenia, which is sad for me as a Christian, but Israel cares about Iran, not Armenia. Azerbaijan, as we see on the map, is on Iran's border, and it's no secret that Israel has secret bases there. So, if Iran goes to war with Israel, Israel can launch attacks from right next to Iran without having to fly over Syria and Iraq.
Both parties are preparing for this war. This is why Azerbaijan offered help to Israel after October 7th; they're the only Muslim country to propose aid. It's because Israel helped them in their war against Armenia, and now Israel wants to show Iran, "You prepare for us by surrounding us with these dogs; we can be in your corner too, and nobody can protect you."
This area here is a very sensitive area because it's not far from Tehran. So, if we draw a line here, let's just draw a line, so this is Azerbaijan from here, and this is Tehran. As you see, the distance is so short, not really that big, which means, in a logistical way, the Israeli Army does not need to go and refuel and bring weapons, etc. It's a very short distance; they just go from here to here. I don't know what the exact distance is based on the map, but let's say it's maybe around 600 miles.
Maybe I'm not sure; you know, you can measure it using Google Earth. And for a fighter jet, this is nothing; it's just a very short trip, so the Israelis do not need to shoot all the way from Israel. The same as Iran, they have an enemy on the border with Israel, which is Hezbollah and the Shia. Israel, they are on the border with Iran at the same time. Israel is preparing for other, let's say, friends with benefits, the same as Iran is preparing for friends with benefits with many forces around Israel.
And many Arab countries, Muslim countries, they have the same enemy. All of us knew that Saudi Arabia is an enemy of Iran; it is not a secret. All of us knew that the UAE is an enemy of Iran, not a secret. Bahrain too. So those are three major neighbours of Iran; they are terrified because of Iran because they are no match, and Iran is so close to them. In fact, Iran already stole an island called Abu Musa from the UAE. If you zoom in on the map, you will see how close the UAE is to Iran. Remember this gulf; the Arabs call it the Arab Gulf, the Persians decorate it as the Persian Gulf, so they are even fighting over the name. Like you will not find one map in the Middle East in schools that calls the gulf the Persian Gulf; they don't call it the Persian Gulf; they call it the Arab Gulf. And here you notice, even before the religious fight, this is a fight between two ethnic groups: one is the Arab, and the other one is the Persian.
So, Abu Musa here, a small island, the Iranians took it. They took it by force, not like, "Hello, I want to take it. Can you please give it to me?" So already, Iran and the UAE are at war logically by occupation. If we look, let's see where the island is, oh, Abu Musa, it should be here, let's see, we need to zoom in more. It's a small tiny island, not like something big. I guess this is the one, here we go. Uh ah, here we go, see it. So, this is the UAE, and this is Abu Musa.
I'm not sure what the distance between the UAE and Abu Musa is; you can measure it, but it's a very short distance; it's almost not in the middle; it's closer to the UAE. And you know, because the UAE is a small tiny country, and they are no match to Iran, so they took this island from the Emirati. Now, which means the Iranians are so close now. I mean, already they are close based on the nature of the gulf, but now they are way closer; they are like half the distance from before. In order, if they want to attack the UAE, they can do it so easily.
So, Israel, and this is why we saw this so-called peace agreement like the Abraham Accords, which is very funny. I mean, none of them, what does the UAE have to do with Abraham? And what about Saudi Arabia? Suddenly, all of them are Abrahamic now. I mean, suddenly they remember Abraham, you know.
You see what you see how love can happen suddenly, you know, like we are cousins, brothers, we are cousins. Yesterday they went to slaughter the Jews. Today the Jews are strong and they have a very massive, powerful army and technology, so suddenly now we are cousins. Yesterday you were a pig; you were a monkey, today we, you know, let us shake hands, you know. Well, Israel, they understand they are not stupid, and they knew that they are not in love with them; they will never love the Jews, but because, let's say, as they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
So, Iran became a big problem for everybody. Actually, let me make it simple: all terrorist groups, all Islamic terrorist groups, were born because of Iran. You will notice that before Iran, the world had zero Al-Qaeda, zero ISIS, zero Hezbollah. Even women in the Middle East, nobody wore hijab; I mean, really, you might find maybe old women. Iran came and established an Islamic State. When the Iranian Mullahs met with the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood in Saudi Arabia during Hajj, he got their attention. This person, who at that time was nobody, just a young guy making speeches, was there.
In Mecca, the city of faith, there was a fight between Shia and Sunni visitors, sometimes killing each other by the hundreds. But now, what the Saudis are doing is very limiting; they limit the number of Shia from Iran specifically, giving them very small numbers, like maybe a hundred people, so they can easily control them, not like before when thousands could come and make a bigger crowd, then start attacking people. So, there was a fight, with Shia and Sunni calling each other names, etc.
The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, which means he is the first founder of Hamas since Hamas is part of the Muslim Brotherhood, took a high position, like on a table or something, and started shouting at his people, the Sunni. He said, "Why are we at war with them? Why do we hate them? Is it because they loved the family of the Prophet? Don't we love the family of the Prophet?" Now, this is a false argument because the difference between them is huge; it's not about what they're talking about. But the Shia noticed that this guy could be very useful, a tool for them. For the first time, they heard someone from the enemies who had an idea about working together.
So, what the Iranian regime did as soon as they took over Iran was give this guy the money to buy the first Muslim Brotherhood centre in Egypt. Here we understand how the relationship between Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, which includes Hamas, was established from the beginning. The first office for the Muslim Brotherhood was paid in full by Iran, and now we can understand how deep the relationship between Hamas and Iran is because the first founder of the Muslim Brotherhood's office was sponsored by Iran. So, Iran bought the Muslim Brotherhood to use this party to betray the system inside the Middle East because all Middle Eastern Muslim countries hate the Shia.
In fact, I was welcome in any Muslim house when I was in the Middle East, like in high school, etc. I could go, but a Shia? They are very careful; they don't invite. If a kid wants to invite someone who is Shia to his house, he asks him to tell a different name because people can be known from their names.
For me, as a Christian, there was no problem. But Shia, no way. So, the hatred between them is beyond your imagination. Shia are very well trained to practice what we spoke about before, where you can say something but mean something else. If you remember in chapter 3, verse number 28 in the Quran, it says in Arabic, which means speak to them in a manner of lying for the sake of protection. What does protection mean? Anything to expose your faith, your agenda, anything.
Here it says you cannot take non-believers as friends unless you practice taqiyya, which means lying to them, saying, "I'm your friend," lying to him. And if you do that, it's okay, but if you really mean it, that you like them and want to be a friend to them, you are not even Muslim anymore. Both Shia and Sunni practice this verse because remember, this is a verse in the Quran; it's not only for the Shia, but the Shia practice everything in their life to the point where they say this verse is the Shield of Shiism.
It is the Shield, so when there are two people debating, they will use the shield, which means he denies everything.
This is why I always warn people; I see some Christians say to me, "I have a friend; he is a Muslim; he is nice." Well, he can be nice if he is not a true Muslim; if he's a Muslim and nice, that's impossible; he's lying to you. When I was in the Middle East, I met many who were nice, but this was before they learned the religion. The more we grow in age, the more we learn. I learned about Christianity; he learned about Islam, and the more he hates me. So, when we were kids, we played, ate together; I came to his house, he came to mine, no problem. He starts going to the mosque, things will change because in the mosque, they would say to him, "You're going to take Christians and Jews as friends?" And if you take them as friends, you are one of them (chapter 5:51).
So, when a Christian says to me, like when I start teaching about Islam, many Christians say to me, "This is not true; I have Muslim friends; they are nice; what are you talking about?" So, you struggle with people to explain that if he knows his religion, he will never help you, and if he helps you, maybe he's trying to convert you, which means he still is not your friend, and the purpose is not to help you.
If you read with me here, it says that the believer cannot take non-believers as friends, and the funny thing is, they call us hypocrites. Muslims call Christians, Jews, or whatever non-Muslims hypocrites, but the verse itself is about hypocrisy. It says if a believer takes a disbeliever, a Jew, or another as their friend to become mighty and honourable, which means you really take them as friends for real, you respect them, you appreciate them, if you do that, the Quran says the one who does that is seeking might and honour by taking hypocrites and disbelievers as friends. What will happen to him? He has no connection to Allah, no protection from Allah.
So, the second he takes you as a friend and means it, Muslims can kill him. If a Muslim met you and decided to take you as a friend from his heart, based on this cult, you have no protection from Allah, and you are not a Muslim anymore. You see the word protection? The word protection here presents what? Presents that you are an apostate; we can kill you for you are joining the enemy of Allah, and now it's time for you to go. So, you have no connection, no honour, no mercy. What happened? I just took a friend; he's a Christian, like what did I do? Do you see how much hatred this cult has? So, just by taking you as a friend, he lost all the privileges he has from his religion, which means Muslims will not kill him, they will not rape his wife, they will not take his property, and they will not destroy his honour.
You see it says he has no honour which means they can rape his daughter; they can rape his wife; they can take them as sex slaves; he has no mercy, no protection from Allah, all because he took you as a friend. Do you see it? And then they continue saying "unless," and here you see how the work means lying to protect yourself. Like if you live in the West, you cannot say, "I support Hamas." Now it can be a problem, so what do you say? You say, "I am against Hamas; Hamas doesn't represent Islam." Unless, read carefully, it be that you guard yourself from them, you guard yourself. So, what does that mean? Unless you say to them, "Hey, listen, I am your friend," it's just to guard yourself; you don't mean it, taking it as a wear security, saving yourself from them by speaking in a friendly way.
Look at this, by speaking in a friendly way toward them while your heart dislikes this. And now you will notice that this is a pure satanic cult; they will take you as a friend by words; they can claim to be Christians; they can change their names; they can come to you and even insult Muhammad, but in reality, they hate you and they're trying to do harm to you.
Like many years ago, there were many videos; maybe I can find them on YouTube about how to kidnap Christians. Let's say you're a taxi driver, so what do you do? They tell you to hold a cross on your mirror so the Christian jumps in the car with the taxi; he looks at the guy having a cross, so he trusts you. He asks you, "What's your name?" Give them a Christian name, say words from the Bible when they come in. So, they have no limit in how far they can go with their evil.
Now, going back to Hezbollah, since Iran invested from the first day in the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim Brotherhood is in debt to Iran, and this is how Hamas is so important to Iran. Hamas is just a name of a brigade, an armed brigade of the Muslim Brotherhood. In the West, the Muslim Brotherhood has many names; the major name is Muslim Brotherhood, but they have organizations like CAIR in the USA. CAIR in the USA is an organization to go after people who are attacking Islam like me, but the founder of CAIR is a terrorist and he is from the Muslim Brotherhood.
When Trump came into office, he said he was going to ban the Muslim Brotherhood, but as you know, and as I informed you before, Trump is a hypocrite; he's corrupt; he's a liar. He says things during the election but does the opposite when he's in office. So, he claimed that he was going to do something about Qatar, and he went in front of the White House when he was president and said, "Qatar has to stop supporting terrorism," which meant the Muslim Brotherhood. This is what they were talking about; the terrorists they referred to are the Muslim Brotherhood, which includes Hamas. Two weeks later, Qatar sent a lot of money to his son-in-law, and they rented an entire building from Kushner, his son-in-law, for 99 years for $1 billion. Imagine paying rent for 99 years; have you ever heard of someone paying rent for the next 99 years? I mean, buying the building would cost less; after 99 years, the building would be useless; it would be outdated, everything wrong with it.
So, he spoke against them, saying they have to stop terrorism, and you can watch the video; it's on YouTube. A few weeks after, Qatar came and paid his son-in-law, who was facing bankruptcy, and since then became our friend. Then Trump sold them planes; he sold them weapons. And not only that, remember when he went to Saudi Arabia? The Saudis pushed him; he didn't move against them because he's a nice person, no, the Saudis paid him, and they pushed him to go against Qatar. So, he went against Qatar; Qatar said, "Okay, the Saudis pay, we will pay more; how much?" They knew he was for sale, so instead of siding with the Saudis, they were more generous, and now he switched to be on the side of Qatar against Saudi Arabia. And if you notice, even in the last week of his presidency, even though he had only five days left in office, he forced Saudi Arabia to lift all sanctions on Qatar.
Can you believe it? He threatened to cancel all weapon sales and freeze them, and then after a new government comes, the Saudis knew that a Democrat isn't too friendly with them, so they said, "Okay." So right away, the UAE and Saudi Arabia lifted sanctions with Qatar and shook hands. So, it was the coward Trump who united the enemies of Israel. You see what money does? I know many of you will get upset, but this is the truth.
So, the Muslim Brotherhood, which is now becoming so big, isn't just the guy who was in Mecca before, whom the Iranians sponsored. The Muslim Brotherhood now is an international organization; they have offices around the world; they have thousands of offices in Europe. If you remember, the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, the one accused of rape and who might be in jail or maybe out, I'm not sure, was charged with rape by many Muslim women.
He was a professor in Switzerland, imagine that. So, they have high positions; they teach in schools; they're even in government; they have institutes; they publish books; all those banks. So, the Muslim Brotherhood has become a massive network. When Trump spoke about banning them, they had to stop him because if Americans say this organization is banned, all those offices around the world would have to shut down. So, what do we do? We pay this fool who could shut down our business, and they paid him. You don't need to listen to me and believe me; go check it out; do some little study on the Muslim Brotherhood.
They're not just Muslim Brotherhood schools, universities, Arabic teaching, Islamic schools in London, in the Netherlands, in France, everywhere. So, they became so massive, and Iran needs them badly.
Even though logically, those Muslim Brotherhood are Sunni and they hate Shia, let's say they're friends with benefits. Both are evil, and they support each other for an agenda, not because they love each other. So, this is why Iran is so interested in investing in the Muslim Brotherhood organization.
But things did not go well for Iran. Iran was able, with the Muslim Brotherhood, to sponsor a man to become president in the White House, that is Obama. When Obama became president, he did everything he could to make Iran great again. So, he lifted all sanctions; he made a very funny agreement about the nuclear facility, allowing Iran, after only 5 years, to legally have nukes; how nice, and he gave them all the money to make that happen. You don't need to believe me; go check; he put the money of Iran in airplanes, and one after another, they started going to Tehran, and the sanctions were lifted from Iran, so now Iran could import all kinds of weapons, all kinds of equipment, no sanctions at all.
So, Obama was finally the man of Iran; he lifted everything from Iran; he gave them freedom. On top of that, Obama was trying his best to make the Muslim Brotherhood take over the Middle East, and the whole target was, at the end, we are going to go for Israel. So, if you go with me and check the map, let's do a little check. I don't want to keep you long here; maybe many of you are not interested in the topic, but just to give you a little information, it can be helpful for you in case you care.
When Obama was president, if you remember, Hillary Clinton went to Libya after Gaddafi's death, and she visited one person only; that was the head of the Muslim Brotherhood. When the Muslim Brotherhood took over Tunisia, the first one who supported that government was Obama and Hillary Clinton. When Egypt looked at the plan, the plan was massive, Egypt; the Muslim Brotherhood took over, Erdogan is already a Muslim Brotherhood.
See, the Muslim Brotherhood is growing big, huge. Qatar is a Muslim Brotherhood; this is where the money is. Jordan's king is not, but a huge member of the population of Jordan is Muslim Brotherhood, but they are not in charge yet. Let's make the colour here different. In Jordan, they could not take over; in fact, with the support of Saudi Arabia, the King of Jordan was able to forbid the Muslim Brotherhood party in Jordan. In Syria, the war started; what was the purpose of the war?
The purpose was to take down the Shia regime or the Assad regime in Syria and establish the Muslim Brotherhood. So now, look at us; let's look at the map. The map as we see now is massive. If the Muslim Brotherhood controls those countries, we're talking about a massive land, almost all the region, and Israel is surrounded from every corner. Egypt controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, Libya supposedly the Muslim Brotherhood would take over, Tunisia already established; they had a government at that time, the Muslim Brotherhood, and then the Muslim Brotherhood were planning to take over Saudi Arabia, and that was the big mistake.
The Saudis found out that the Muslim Brotherhood was preparing a coup against the royal family of Saudi Arabia. They received very crucial information, and I think it's from Israel, that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to take over Saudi Arabia and the UAE overnight. At that time, more than half of the cabinet, the ministers in the UAE, were Muslim Brotherhood. Imagine how powerful they are. In fact, now in Kuwait, more than half of the ministers are Muslim Brotherhood right now.
The plan of Obama was to establish a caliphate. "Obama will not leave the White House until he establishes ISIS." There was no ISIS at that time; nobody had heard of the word ISIS, Islamic State. This was the dream of Obama. This is why Obama goes every Ramadan; he starts telling us about the benefits of Ramadan. Imagine he claimed to be Christian; he goes and tells us about the benefits of Ramadan. Isn't it obvious? And those in the state, American, yeah, you know, he's just being friendly. So, this guy makes fun of Christianity; he makes fun of the Bible; he claimed to be an atheist with atheists; he claimed to be Christian with Christians, but he's a Muslim. You remember, speak to them in a friendly way, chapter 3, verse number 28, while your heart dislikes this. So, he claimed to be a Christian so he could become president, and nobody would oppose, but in reality, he was trying his best to establish a caliphate state.
Then, when the Saudis noticed or received the information that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to take over them, they arrested everyone from the Muslim Brotherhood in Saudi Arabia overnight, thousands. The UAE did the same, and now the war between the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi Arabia and the UAE took a different level. Now they became official enemies.
So, Saudi Arabia sponsored the opposition in Egypt, and they were able to make the Muslim Brotherhood lose Egypt. They sponsored the King of Jordan so he could cancel the Muslim Brotherhood party in Jordan. They sponsored opposition in Libya against the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Muslim Brotherhood were not able to take over Libya.
See what money can do, my friend. And now in Syria, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, at the beginning of the war, were against the Assad regime, but as soon as they noticed that this would be another Muslim Brotherhood regime, they went mute and stopped supporting any terrorists in Syria, and then the Russians came, and the Russians were able to kill hundreds of thousands of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Tunisia, after that, sponsored by Saudi Arabia, was able to conquer and take away the Muslim Brotherhood from Tunisia. So, look how the Muslim Brotherhood was almost taking all the territory, and now there are only two countries left where they are strong: Qatar and Turkey. And the whole plan is how to conquer and make a caliphate. At the same time, Israel would be an easy target, but thanks to God, the Muslim Brotherhood became an enemy to Saudi Arabia, and then the Muslims now demolish each other. And this organization is totally forbidden in this territory.
The Muslim Brotherhood now is wanted in Egypt, wanted in Saudi Arabia, I mean, you go to jail or you will be executed, no joking, wanted in the UAE, wanted in Iraq, wanted in Syria.
And the funny thing is, the Muslim Brotherhood is not wanted in any European country, including America. The coward Trump did not dare to put the Muslim Brotherhood on the terrorist list because of the money from Qatar. And this is what I'm afraid of: if Biden stays as president, America is messed up; if Trump becomes president, Qatar is in charge again. This guy proved it to us already; he is just a businessman; he has zero ethics, like Biden. Biden sold the country to China; Trump sold the country to Qatar.
Two faces of one coin, and you don't need to believe me; go check everything I said. Go type right now, "Trump speaking against Qatar has to stop terrorism." I can play it for you. After that, did he stop supporting terrorism? Everybody knows now that the number one supporter of Hamas is Qatar. So, the stupid Trump is literally behind the blood of 1400 Israelis just because he worships the dollar. It's reality; those who come to become your president don't care for you. It doesn't matter how much they make you excited. "Yeah, the first day I go, I will stop this, I will do that," and then all they do is serve the enemy. I noticed that Trump is a scam, step by step. In the beginning, I was so happy that he was elected;
I was so excited. I remember the day of the election; I was so upset. The news was coming in so bad, so I couldn't sleep like early, but I wanted to force myself to sleep because what an ugly night; I mean, we had eight years of Obama, and now we would have another eight years of the corrupt Clinton family. And then I looked at the news; it said, like, looks like Trump is winning, so I went live.
If you remember, I went live. So, I was so excited to see Trump win, but sadly, he was just the same as the rest; everything is for sale. Well, he is not as bad as Biden, but I mean, this is what's funny about the USA. Like, you know, they bring us two donkeys; one wants to punish you in your head, and the other one in your balls, so which one? So now, if I vote for Trump, he will do again what he did; he will sponsor the terrorists of Qatar. If you remember when Trump went to Saudi Arabia, what was the speech? "It's not our business how you rule your country," which means we don't care for human rights; we don't care if you arrest Christians for worshiping God; we will not care if you arrest somebody for having a Bible; we will not care; we will not care; just give us money. This was his speech, none of our business.
And now he's making his speeches about what he would do on the first day. I mean, a guy needs to support him, a bunch of idiots, and a bunch of hookers. He starts bringing them to the White House, like what? The women, these women with big boobs, Kardashian, who is Kardashian? I mean, can you believe it? Bring me a scientist, bring me somebody like a professor who discovered something. I mean, Kardashian, her ex-husband, the singer, look who they are. A guy from YouTube who is an influencer and he is racist, so they are trash; they have no quality.
So, if I go now for election as president and if Kardashian supports me, do you think Americans will like me more? And here you notice the quality of the education of the nation; no education. An actor supports you; a singer supports you; a hooker supports you, but if you're a scientist, who cares? If you're a professor, so what? Nobody cares for you.
I mean, the guy is in the White House, and he's inviting Kardashian. What will the topic be between them? Anyone can help me? Like if I am now the president, huh, if I am now the president and I invite Kardashian to come to my office, what exactly will I discuss with her? How she can help? What about her husband who doesn't know what he's talking about? Obviously, this guy is suffering from mental illness.
And the list, you know, yeah, I mean, it's very important, right? But only if you are saying this is America, my friend, this is America. I mean, if you ask the young ones who they like, they like a pimp like Andre Tis; their best example of life is a pimp. You know, before, all nations, when you ask them, any nation in the world, who is your best, they will speak about a philosopher, a scientist, someone who established a language, a big writer, a poet, man, some great names. Now, a pimp, a hooker, a UFC fighter; it's reality. Snoop Dogg, and Trump himself is a show boy.
So, the Americans will keep repeating the same garbage because this is how the system is; two parties, and those parties are obviously sponsored by the most powerful, and as long as they have the money and somebody supports them, and nobody can compete with them, things will stay the same. If you want to fix America, you have to forbid parties; if you want to fix this country, you better forbid parties, no parties, individuals; they go for election, and people vote. When you have two parties, look what we have in Congress; it's a joke; it's like two gangs, you know. When you have individuals only, then every individual votes based on what he thinks is right, not based on a party. When a president wins, everybody either elects him, or he loses; everybody rejects him, not parties.
And then you will not have a very divided Congress like this, or Senators like dogs; they keep attacking each other and biting each other. And then every four years, a new president comes, and then he goes back in the opposite direction. So, Trump built a wall, which is good; Biden came, he destroys the wall. So now we spend all those trillions of dollars to build the wall, and now we take the wall down, and now Trump decides, sorry, Biden decides, we should build the wall again.
This is why such a government cannot be successful because you don't have people who are qualified to be in government. Like, what is the qualification of anyone doing the job in the government? Like, the Minister of Education, what do you know about education? Nothing. The Minister of Oil, they don't know.
I mean, it's just a job they give you. Like, you are from my party; you went for election. Okay, if I win, I will give you this. It's like you know they come to the kitchen; we are 8 to 10; each one of us has to have a piece of cake. I will make you Foreign Minister, and you will become etc., just to support me. It doesn't matter if you are qualified or not. So anyway, things are messed up in America, and it's going to be messed up for a long time, and this is why we noticed that countries like Iran are taking advantage. You will notice that the Iranians, in the time of Trump, shot down a massive, very expensive, high-technology drone; I think it cost almost a billion dollars. Trump did nothing about it, as if he heard nothing. You know what nothing means? Nothing. Why?
Because they knew the person; they knew all he cared for was to be elected. The guy promised he would not go to war with anybody; he promised. So, he will not; Trump will not, like he wants to get out of, he went to Korea, shook hands, he went to the Taliban, he started negotiating with the Taliban. Imagine, he told the Taliban, "We are going to withdraw on this day, etc., four years from now," and the Taliban flourished since then. It was because of him because now they knew that everybody knows he announced it; we are leaving, so now all Afghans, those who have the spirit of supporting the army and government against the Taliban, that's it; Americans are leaving, bye-bye. The country collapsed because of Trump.
Biden came, more idiot; he would draw like a donkey and make it look like we are the ones running away, but both are guilty. And now those in Iran, terrorists, and Iran, they notice that Democrats are the same; this country is very much divided; they don't want to go to war. In fact, the Americans keep saying to the Israelis, "Don't attack Hezbollah, don't attack Iran, don't do anything; stay in Gaza." They put conditions: "You want us to support you? Don't." Why? Because Biden is under the command of Obama; Obama is the true president; it's not Biden. The Iranian terrorists already shot and attacked an American Army ship.
How in the world do they dare to do so? They knew how massive the power of America is because they knew they have the protection; they have the protection of Biden, and nobody will touch them. It's like you know you have a dog, and this dog is spoiled; he's biting everybody, and nobody is there to touch the dog because the big boss owns the dog. Otherwise, can you explain to me how those Houthis want to attack everybody? They are hitting ships; they are hitting even American ships. Well, Iran did that before them. Hezbollah in Iraq is doing the same; they launched more than 100 attacks already in Iraq and Syria, and what Biden did? Nothing.
They knew; they knew their enemy very well; they knew that America does not have a leader in the time of Trump, in the time of Biden, it's the same.
The reason those terrorists flourish, terrorism is the same as weeds; when nobody is attending the garden, the weeds will take over. And we don't have anyone to attend the garden; we have a bunch of fake, false, corrupt leadership from both parties. The Democrats are busy with transgender issues, which bathroom for, and now they are busy with free Palestine; they are hippies; they have mental problems; they do not know what they want from this world. They want to go green, but there are no green cars; they want to go green, but they have to turn the gas on to heat their houses. Look how many houses now with snow; who can depend on electricity to heat his house? It doesn't work, stupid mental. You want to go green, why you, why you, why don't you just use electricity to heat your house? Just do it, show us how you can do it, hypocrite, liar, stupid.
So, they knew everything; will Turkey and Russia come to Gaza? Turkey is a bankrupt country. Erdogan, you know, he makes himself like a leader; the biggest speech is from the guy; he cannot even fart. What can Turkey do, my friend? War needs a budget; war is not just a joke like I can't shoot, you know. If you go to shooting, like, if I go, I have like a bunch of magazines, not one, like one after one, let's say in 5 minutes you finish five magazines; how much money you spend? A lot of money, and this is just a gun. War is very costly; it's not about even if you have people, if you have fighters, even if you have a hundred million, but war is very costly. At the same time, your enemy will not shoot at your potatoes and tomatoes; they will destroy your civilization.
So, Russia, they have nothing to do with Gaza. Why would Russia come to Gaza? Do you think Putin likes Muslims? He fought them; Putin, him, he smashed Chechnya before; go and check what he did to them.
Putin killed millions of Muslims in Syria, literally; just until now, he's there; his army is there. Putin doesn't care for all of this; Putin cares only for his hummus; hummus is his; he wants to finish the trip he put himself in by going to war with Ukraine; he did a big, stupid mistake. He thought this is how stupid he is; he thought it's an operation. He thinks it's going to be an operation in the stomach; we take the tumor and that's it, 24 hours. This is how easy it is, he says, easy, and now it took him more than two years, three years, until now he could not accomplish anything, zero.
In fact, now the enemy, the Ukrainians, became way more, way scarier, even scary to European armies. The Ukrainians are not normal people like everybody because they have a very high number of educated people, all tech, all IT, all engineers around the world. You will see the best is in Ukraine.
If you go right now to any government website of the Ukrainians and go to any American website, you will see that the American website, the government website, is a piece of excuse me; I don't want to say it. Ukraine is so advanced with technology, and now they are making drones.
Their drones, in fact, just two days ago, the Americans signed a contract to do a project of weapons with Ukraine because they notice how advanced they are. Ukraine is the first one who made a spaceship engine; even the Chinese tried to buy their manufacturer. So, the stupid Putin wanted to conquer them, and now this country in the future might be able to conquer Russia, which is something we don't want. We, as Christians, don't want to see two Christian countries killing each other, but it happened that this donkey Putin, he is greedy; he wants to make himself the Caesar; he wants to have an empire. Anyone tried to get away from his command, he attacked them. He did the same to Armenia; look what happened to Armenia.
He cheated them; he lied to them; he made them sign an agreement that we will defend you if somebody attacks you. Azerbaijan allied with them, and Putin is watching; he took half of Georgia; he took half of Ukraine, and the plan is to go all the way and take Moldova. He is a very evil man. Russia is the biggest country in the world, the biggest. Russia has borders with everybody; has borders with the USA, has borders with China, has borders with India, has with everybody, a massive country. Why do you want more lands, massive resources, and his country is still empty? But when you are evil, what can you say?
However, we don't want to speak about more topics because that will make the topic more complicated, but everything I said to you is based on my belief and what I know. You don't have to agree with me, and for sure, feel free to disagree or agree, but always I advise you to do your homework. Don't take what people say to you, including me.
I used to support Putin. Yeah, I admired him for a long time as a smart man, you know. He took Russia when it was collapsing; women were for sale, like we all know, remember "bride for sale"? Imagine, women became for sale; the country was collapsing. So, the guy who took the country when it was literally collapsing made the country stand again. So, I really admire him; I love Russia; I will never be against Russia. I'm not against Russia; I'm against Putin. He made a big mistake.
Actually, I think even they trapped him to go there; the idiot was trapped. They made him believe it was so easy, just, you know, like he sends Kadyrov, and you know, Kadyrov does shows; Kadyrov went there, ran like a cat. What do you think about Zelensky? I didn't like him actually; I mean, he sounds like a kid, you know, but I respected him after the war because the Americans asked him to run; he did not. And that made me change my mind about him because if he ran, his country would collapse, actually, and the Russians would take over.
So based on what he did, he did not listen to the Americans; the Americans made it clear, even Biden said on TV, they invited him and his wife to come as refugees to the USA; he refused. So, he doesn't look like a real tough man, you know, but he was; he did not run. He did not run even when the Russians were almost like 80 kilometres away from Kyiv. So, I have to respect the man; nobody respects cowards, do you? I don't.
All right, Zelensky is already very rich; is that bad? I mean, the guy is rich; he's a Jew, anyway, most Jews are rich, but do you know any president who isn't rich? Like, who is the president you know who's not rich? Give me his name so I can donate to him.
I mean, why they become president, is it because they can steal more? Why is Trump so obsessed with being president? Do you think those people, why anyone wants to be a congressman for the US, why anyone wants to be a senator for the US? Are you a kid? They are so desperate to be there for a reason; it is money.
Otherwise, working in politics is a shitty job because everybody will slander you, everybody will talk about you, and you will lose your life like, you know, you have no freedom, wherever you go, people know you, people hate you, people love you; it doesn't matter. So why are they desperate to do this job? It's about money. Why this monkey, what's her name, uh, Nancy Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi, she's in the office all her life; she wants to die; she wants to go in the casket, and she's still there. Why? Because she's in charge of the stock market; she never bought one stock and the stock lost, never before. The stock prices go down; a week before, Nancy Pelosi sells.
It's a miracle, brother. She receives information from the angels, obviously; she's in Congress, and she's in charge of those companies; they have to report to them before anyone else. When two big companies will merge, the first one to receive the agreement is the Congress, not all of Congress, a group of them.
When a company is going bankrupt, the Congress, when a company wants to make a big deal, the Congress, and you know when you make a big deal, stock markets go up big, you know, because now this company will make a lot of income. So, what they do, you have to be in Congress so you can know the information which nobody has, and you buy stocks. And if you think any of them really care, what's it? It's illegal. What's illegal? All those Congress members, they have what, illegal guys, it's illegal.
Go check. Nancy Pelosi, she never owned stocks, and they never lost. Have you ever heard of somebody who worked in the stock market and never lost, always win? It's impossible, my friend. Uh, somebody's saying to me, kindly explain this Surah is 17:13 and Surah, what do you mean, a Surah is I don't know, 5:20. Are you talking about chapter 17 and chapter 5? All right, if you are new here, you can subscribe, feel free, and if you like to join us here, we usually teach about Islam, and we answer, refute, and get Muslims busted with no mercy. Uh, chapter 5, chapter 17, verse 104, okay, what about it? Explain to me.
All right, yeah, this is a verse that presents that Allah supposedly told the Jews, like, you've been scattered around the world, and we made Israel for you as a house. And then the Muslims say that based on this verse, this is for the Judgment Day, before the Judgment Day, but this is something Muhammad is copying from the Jews.
The Jews themselves, if you know, or in case you do not know, the Old Testament has many prophecies about the Jews that God will gather them, the same as the chick gathers her chicks. So, Muhammad is copying that prophecy about the Jews coming back. Yeah, this is not from the Quran; this is from the Old Testament.
Muhammad is just repeating what the Jews say to him. Uh, what's the other verse, chapter 5, 20 to 107? I mean, you want from 20 to 107? Oh boy, any other question before we finish for today? I hope you guys have a good time. Uh, today is Sunday; I'm not going to keep you longer, and we pray that the Lord will give victory to Israel, and the war will be over soon with victory. You know, for sure, we would like to see the hostages coming back to their houses, but, you know, national victory is not about hostages; nations have to sacrifice in order to have victory. Victory cannot happen without sacrificing; never happened.
So those who think that victory can come by just prayer, it doesn't work this way. In the Old Testament, God said to the Jews, to the Israelis, "When you go to the field to fight, I will be with you." He didn't say, "Just I will fight for you; when you go, I will be with you." So, you have to go to war in order for God to be with you.
Don't expect the neighbour to fight for you. Many people keep talking about the hostages, but I believe this war is more important than hostages, and I believe it's not about hostages anymore.
Only naive people think that this war is about hostages. Maybe in the news, they say that to you, and they keep repeating that to you, including the Israeli government, but this is absolutely not what the war is about now. The war now is about Israel getting back its name. For if they don't do what they do or what they are now, the enemy is watching. When the enemy sees that you have a weakness, the enemy will be all over you. So, this war is simply set to give an example for anyone who might attack Israel in the future to make them know that if you attack us, this is exactly what will happen to you. This is the number one reason and purpose for this war.
So, tomorrow, the day after, anyone will think for a second before attacking Israel; he has to count, he has to bite his fingers before he points them at Israel. I believe this is the main reason, the main purpose of the war now. We saw how Hamas is suffering from humiliation; the Israelis are making them line up in their underwear in a very shameful way. We just showed you this video in the beginning; let me...play those. Hamas on October 7th, they were so proud, so excited, so happy.
Hamas on December 10th are like this. So, this is the number one purpose of this war: so, the enemy will remember that if you attack us, we will demolish you, we will make you go into the street with your pants down, we will make an example of you. Maybe you can shout today, claiming that you killed many of us, took us, took our women and children as captives, but we will take thousands of you as captives in return, and those thousands are terrorists. You will notice that the Israelis are not getting babies; they don't do that. Those who follow Allah do that.
Do you see any babies there? Do you see any females? Do you see any women who are 90 years old or even 19 years old? Only men. So, when the Muslims speak about honourable women in war, they don't have it because they don't have an honourable prophet. If the Israelis want to practice what they should practice, an eye for an eye, then they should do the same to you.
You took their women; they should take your women. They kidnap even an eight-month-old baby, even dogs. They kidnap a machine; this isn't kidnapping; this is theft. It's okay; it's Halal, the wheelchair. I saw the guy carrying a wheelchair. I mean, he came all the way from Gaza, went inside the house, his friends came before him, they took everything, there's nothing left, there's only the wheelchair, he took the wheelchair, put it in the motorcycle, and went back to Gaza.
And then the whole disgusting world is talking about human rights. Human rights have to be applied only if the Israelis are attacking; the enemy can do whatever they want.
So, they go blind in human rights when the Jews are being killed or Christians are getting killed. The second it's a Muslim, the Muslims treat it like, you know, a special species coming from the moon, like it's a real species, you know, like this is the last one. So, they came to Israel, started looting, raping, killing, torturing, and now they are doing what they deserve. Thank you, Israel.